2021年春夏「ころもづくりころもがたり」は3月20日(土・祝)より2021 Spring/Summer "koromo-zukuri koromo-gatari" March 20 (Sat/Holiday) Start2021.03.16
オスティアジャパン衣 全店では、来る3月20日(土・祝)より28日(日)まで、恒例の「ころもづくり ころもがたり」を開催いたします。
今回ご用意しているお楽しみこと、ノベルティですが「妖怪 玉手箱」。
何?? 何なに???? その全貌はまた後日に公開させていただきます。
せっかくのイベントですので、少しでも早くお耳に入れたいと思い、まずはご案内のみとはなりますが!! 年2回限り「ころもづくり ころもがたり」をお楽しみに!!
※「妖怪 玉手箱」は期間中10,000円(税抜き)以上お買い上げの方へプレゼントさせていただきます。数量限定につき、おひとり様お一つまでとさせていただきます。また、なくなり次第終了となります。ご了承ください。
※オンラインショップでも「妖怪 玉手箱」がもらえます!詳しくは下記をご覧ください。
ー オンラインショップ ご利用のお客様へ ー
3月20日(土・祝)深夜 0:00(19日から20日へ日付が変わる時)以降のご注文先着順にて、限定ノベルティ「妖怪 玉手箱」をプレゼントさせていただきます。お届けご希望日、また予定日が3月20日(土・祝)以降での配送の場合でも、ご注文タイミングが3月19日(金)以前の場合、プレゼントの対象外となりますため、ご注意ください。
Spring has come, as the temperature has risen and the sunlight has become a little round.
The cherry blossoms are blooming earlier than usual this year. It makes people feel better.
Ostia Japan KOROMO will hold the annual (Sat/Holiday) from March 20 to 28th “koromo-zukuri koromo-gatari”.
Many new items for spring and summer are displayed in the store, and this event is held at the change of the season with a limited gift novelty.
The present we are preparing this time is “Yokai Tamatebako”.
What? What???? We will release the whole picture later.
In addition, many new items will be published in the online shop one by one.
Since this is an event, I would like to let you know as soon as possible, so please guide me first!! Please look forward to “koromo-zukuri koromo-gatari” only twice a year!!
■Notes ■
*There is no plan to hold this event at the limited-time shop.
*”Yokai Tamatebako” is a present for those who spend 10,000 yen (excluding tax) or more during the period. “Yokai Tamatebako” is limited in quantity, only one per person. It will be finished as soon as it runs out. Thank you for your understanding.
*You can also get “Yokai Tamatebako” at online shops! See below for details.
□■■■■■■■■ koromo ■
– To our online shop customers:
After Wednesday, March 20 at midnight 0: 00 (when the date changes from the 19th to the 20th), we will give you a limited novelty “Yokai Tamatebako” on a first-come-first-served basis. Please note that even if the expected delivery date or scheduled delivery date is after March 20 (Sat/Holiday), if the order timing is before Friday, March 19, it will not be eligible for the present.
In the case of online shops, you register “Name and address” when you place an order, so you don’t need a claim tag, but you can only buy one ticket per person.
For multiple orders within the same period, regardless of the number of orders, we will give you a present when the total amount of your purchases exceeds ¥10,000 plus tax. Please understand in advance.