想像を覆す!2022年秋冬の新しい生地のお話Wonderful latest textile! for Koromo's '22A/W collections 2022.08.07
The moment is a few years ago at …,
When our designer went to Tokyo for buisiness trip and happened to see a exhbition at the place.
The work on display was a bit abstract, and she couldn’t immediately understand what it was.
However, it is said that it looked like a flying phoenix to our designer, which might be an instinct
rather than an understanding.
On the way back home, the scene caught her eyes for several days.
It is a scene that never gets blurred when you sleep or wake up, and is burned.
As these days continued, I gradually came to think that this was an event that met with necessity
in order to make the scene into our KOROMO’s work.
For some reason, she feel that she should express this scene not by drawing but by “weaving textile”,
although we can express it relatively simply by drawing.
If so, how many craftsmen in Japan are able to express such special textile?
There is only one craftsman we can think of, and he is reputed to be an eccentric person who is different from ordinary people. He is a craftsman of Banshu textile.
For the past few years, every season as a work of clothing, the craftsman who is indispensable for making works that no one has seen before.
we think some of you have heard of him at the store.
Then, it was a good day. He spoke at once, and spoke his mind, and the eccentric workman was a little shy.
as if to say, “You think you can’t make that, don’t you?”.
It was the moment that the spirit of the craftsman was ignited.
Our designer visits further.
What kind of design should I prepare for the weaving of what I want to express?
The answer is quite bizarre: … “Just a pen drawing ”.
It overturned the concept of “weaving to create a pattern,” including Nishijin brocade, which requires detailed designs.
Then I repeated the trial weaving, and the thing that finally arrived was, as expected, perfectly expressed.
However, there were some factors that needed to be improved, such as the fact that it was difficult to use as clothes,
and the interaction with the craftsman continued many times.
This is the story of the beginning of a new textile made for 2022 AW collections.
Stay tuned for more on … at a later information.