新春特別企画「妖怪十二支 柄入れ受注&お好きな干支 刺繍入れ」!!Why don't you get Hard luck! of 2022 with Koromo clothes in the New Year?2021.12.30
さて、年明けも早々に2022年 衣のイベント始めとして、お正月三が日限定にて特別なイベントを開催させて頂きます!!
「妖怪十二支 柄入れ受注&お好きな干支 刺繍入れ」!!
そしてさらに!!「妖怪十二支 柄入れ受注」を施す作品には「あなたの干支を篆刻刺繍」いたします!!
「妖怪十二支 柄入れ受注」1作品ごとにおひとつ、干支漢字の刺繍を無料にて入れて頂くことができます。
※「あなたの干支 篆刻刺繍」は期間中に対象作品をお買い上げのお客様に「無料」でお入れいたします!!!
・オスティアジャパン衣 各店
→1月2日(日)・3日(月) 2日間限定
As the name Shiwasu suggests, it is only 2021 years later.
Whether you are staying warm during the holidays or you are still busy and busy,
I hope all of you have a happy New Year!
Well, it’s a little bit early in the new year, but in the beginning of the 2022 Koromo event,
there will be held for 3 days only.
We will accept the order of “2022 Yokai of your Zodiac discharge printing” for buying the indigo dyed products.
You can add the patterns of the Oriental zodiac monster such as the indigo products of the Koromo and Aruji-koromo,
and the KRM. We will make a special one just for you.
The patterns you are interested in are also listed on this online shop page.
And New year’s especially more
“Tenkoku embroidery of Kanji word indicate Oriental zodiac” will be done for buying above products.
You can put one for free for each piece you buy.
Your lucky color of this year will be a seal engraving embroiderer of one of your Chinese characters (rat, ox, tiger, etc.) of Oriental zodiac.
From 9 colors (black, yellow, purple, white, red, green, blue, orange, peach) that are said to bring you luck in the year you were born.
You can choose and put it anywhere you like! Please wear it to see the lucky colors and get lucky in 2022!
Cautionary point:
*Depending on the pattern, the option prices are different between 1,100 and 1,870 yen.
*Please note that the pattern may not be put in some places.
*The finishing of each pattern is scheduled from mid to late January.
What would happen if we put some zodiac monsters in that work?
Where should I put it? I’m so excited to hear that!
This event is limited to 2 days on Sunday, January 2 and 3 (Mon) at Austere Japan Koromo clothing stores.
The online shop will be open from Saturday, January 1 to Monday, January 3.
Please stop by or use our online shop for your New Year shopping.
We look forward to seeing you again in 2022!!
*Please note that the pattern may not be put in some places.
*The finishing of each pattern is scheduled from mid to late January.