オンラインショップ限定「-藍を重ねる-インディゴTシャツ」 The online shop-limited Indigo dyed T-shirt "Wearing indigo over indigo" 2017.05.12
かねてより、私たちがオススメしてまいりましたコーディネートの原点ともいえる色合わせ。 そんな1着を仕立てました。 オンラインショップ限定作品となります。
The online shop-limited Indigo dyed T-shirt “Wearing indigo over indigo”
“I wonder if I can wear Indigo more simple and also casual” 」
The online shop-limited T-shirt which is released last year is made from such thought.
That T-shirt is of the indigo lover, for the indigo lover, by the indigo lover…
And this year, I thought that I want to make same kind of T-shirt!
I (in cherge of online shop) proposed simple and casual T-shirt to our designer.
We talked about that several times and made some sample.
But we couldn’t accept all of them. We need more simple face rather than impact or hook.
After see all, we see the answer of simple and casual indigo, when we see the ‘inside out’ T-shirt.
How about the “gazette part” sew inside T-shirt?
Basically, the part is sewed outside and below neck of T-shirt.
But daringly, we sewed it inside. The T-shirt got more simple but designability.
After sewed gazette part, we wash it times and times, so it became skyblue.
The reason why of choosing Indigo dye is……
Proposal of this year’s online shop limited T-shirt “Wearing indigo over indigo”
This ’17SS collection have lots of indigo dyed T-shirts, from KOROMO or KRM…
I thougt that how can we wear those indigo T-shirts more joyful and stylish.
The answer is “Wearing indigo over indigo”
Of course, they are all good quality and cool ones. But when you wear indigo over indigo,
they will become more cool… double or triple!!
For example,
●Indigo yarn dyed V-inset T-shirt × Wisteria Pattern & Hand stitch T-shirt
●Indigo yarn dyed V-inset T-shirt × Enshuu-ori woven Patchwork T-shirt
●Indigo yarn dyed V-inset T-shirt × Rivet Pocket T-shirt
●Indigo yarn dyed V-inset T-shirt × Indigo classic stripe T-shirt
Indigo × Indigo
For a long time, we suggest the way for wearing our products.
But it’s a origin of them I think!!