送料無料!期間限定です!!Free shipping campaign !!2021.04.28
We begin a free shipping campaign!
– When sending a package outside Japan –
We will start a campaign where you can get free shipping if the price of the item you order exceeds 35000 yen.
– When sending a package to Japan –
If the price of the item you order exceeds 11000 yen including tax, the shipping fee will be free.
The shipping fee will be automatically calculated when you place an order, but we will correct it later.
And We will send you the PayPal invoice.
■ Campaign period ■
from April 28th to May 9th on Japan time
新作はいりました!!New arrivals ! & Re arrival !!2021.04.24
■■■ 主衣 ■■■
「泰山木 切替タックワンピース」
「牡丹と橘唐草 末広がり七分袖Tシャツ」
「金魚の中の桜 半袖Tシャツ」
「蝶尾 – ちょうび – 金魚 半袖Tシャツ」
■■■ 衣 ■■■
「牡丹の中の唐獅子 半袖Tシャツ」
「ドルマンスリーブTシャツ -カラーの花-」
■■■ Aruji koromo ■■■
●Magnolia Paneled Tuck Dress
●Fluttering hem Dress
●Peony & Tachibana arabesque 3/4 sleeves T-shirt
●Goldfish & Cherry blossom T-shirt
●Butterfly Telescope Goldfish T-shirt
■■■ KOROMO ■■■
●Floral Pattern Stand-Up Collar T-Shirt
●Peony & KARAJISHI T-shirt
【Re arrival!】
●Dolman Sleeve T-Shirt - calla lily –
新作入荷!New Arrival !2021.04.03
■■■ 主衣 ■■■
●「絽(ろ)衿 牡丹 五分袖Tシャツ」
●「ど偉い牡丹 二重衿ワンピース」
●「水彩鳥妖怪 ワイドパンツ」
●「金魚 袴パンツ」
●「虎 袴パンツ」
●「麻スラブ生地 レギンス」
■■■ 衣 ■■■
●「蛮絵 麻絹長袖シャツ」
●「輪廻転生 袖パッチワーク七分袖Tシャツ」
●「水彩鳥妖怪 七分丈パンツ」
■■■ KRM ■■■
■■■ 雑貨 ■■■
●「梅と櫛-くし- ピアス」
●「梅と櫛-くし- イヤリング」
■■■ Aruji koromo ■■■ ●"Ro collar peony half sleeve T" https://shop.koromo-kyoto.com/products/detail.php?product_id=4108
●"Organdy Kimono Collar Cardigan" https://shop.koromo-kyoto.com/products/detail.php?product_id=4106
●”Large Peony Double Collar Dress”
●”Watercolor bird youkai wide pants”
●"Goldfish hakama pants" https://shop.koromo-kyoto.com/products/detail.php?product_id=4103
●"Tiger hakama pants" https://shop.koromo-kyoto.com/products/detail.php?product_id=4104
●"Hemp slab fabric leggings" https://shop.koromo-kyoto.com/products/detail.php?product_id=4102
■■■ Koromo ■■■
●"Migratory catfish jacket 【Indigo】"
●"Migratory catfish jacket 【Naturel white】"
●"Barbarian linen silk long-sleeved shirt"
●”Patchwork for Reincarnatio three-quarter Sleeves T”
●"Watercolor bird youkai three-minute pants"
■■■ KRM ■■■
●"Organic Cotton Paisley Switching Short Sleeve T"
■■■ goods ■■■
●"Indigo Sashiko-like Hunting Cap (Goldfish)"
●"Indigo Sashiko-like Hunting Cap (Yatagarasu)"
●UME and Comb Pierced earrings
●UME and Comb earrings
期間限定ショップ 4月・5月 開催お知らせLimited-time only shop information - April & May -2021.04.02
●東京都 伊勢丹立川店
4階 ファーレ側モール
●東京都 京王聖蹟桜ヶ丘
2階 イベントスペースⅠ
●東京都 松坂屋上野店
1階 イベントスペース
●神奈川県 伊勢丹相模原 in ボーノ相模大野ショッピングセンター
3階 伊勢丹相模原お得意様サロン・催物場
●東京 玉川タカシマヤ
本館4階 特設会場
●埼玉県 伊勢丹浦和店
3階 ステージ#3
●Tokyo (from April 7 to April 13)
@〝Isetan〟department store,Tachikawa-4th floor
●Tokyo (from April 15 to April 21)
@ “Keio” department store, Seisekisakuragaoka-2nd floor
Address : 1-10-1, Sekido, tama-shi, Tokyo
●Tokyo (from April 21 to April 27)
@ “Matsuzakaya” department store, Ueno – 1st floor
Address : 3-29-5, Ueno, Taitou-ku, Tokyo
●Kanagawa (from May 6 to May 9)
@ “Bono Sagamiono” Shoping Center,Isetan Sagamihara-3rd floor
Address : 3-2 Sagamiono Minami-ku,Sagamihara-shi,Kanagawa
●Tokyo (from May 19 to May 25)
@ “Takashimaya” department store, Tamagawa Main building 4th floor
Address : 3-17-1 Tamagawa,Setagaya-ku, Tokyo
●Saitama (from May 26 to June 1)
@ “Isetan”department store, Urawa-3rd floor
Address : 1-15-1,Takasago, Urawa-ku,Saitama-shi,Saitama
新作盛り沢山、ノベルティもあります!2021年春夏「ころもづくり ころもがたり」も いよいよあと2日!There are many new releases and novelties! 2021 Spring Summer "KOROMO zukuri Koromogatari" Finally 2 days left!2021.03.26
昨週20日(土)よりスタート致しました春夏の1大イベント「ころもづくり ころもがたり」。
それが「ころもづくり ころもがたり」の醍醐味です。
よくよく見ると、 、、。
「金魚 袴スカート」「グラデーションストール」でシルエットのまとまりと華やかさをプラス。
One of the biggest events in spring and summer, “Koromozukuri Koromogatari” started from 20th (Sat).
We were blessed with a fine weather, and thanks to you, many customers came to our store.
Thank you very much.
The new watercolor bird monster is cute! I enjoyed listening to the voices of the staff.
The elegant pattern of a great peony pattern T-shirt that reminds you of the pattern of a kimono.
This is good! Let me think about how to wear it together.
There are so many events that you can’t decide what to do with the new clothes.
This is “koromozukuri koromogatari.”.
Now, I would like to introduce you to a new item that has arrived during this period.
●Great Botan Double Collar Dress
This is a cute one-piece dress with a beautiful silhouette, pin tucks on the chest and gimmick on the double collar.
If you look closely…
The peony flower expressed with jacquard weaving can be seen and hidden by the light. when someone realizes that The tailoring is captivating! There is a peony flower printed in white on the back as well as the fabric.
This is also expressed elegantly. With “goldfish hakama skirt” and “gradation stole”
This item has a beautiful silhouette.
●”Kaiyu namazu jackets”
This is a kimono collar type jacket with contrasting fabrics of 2 colors of hemp, light brown and produced.
Here and there on the jacket, a catfish familiar as a pronoun of clothes looks comfortable.
Swimming! The inner layer is a “great peony T-shirt”.
The bottoms are also the latest “Koinobori Pants”.
This item is easy to use and you will definitely want to try it on, including the jacket.
It is still not enough to say…
Please touch the fabric at the store, check the silhouette and see the dynamic pattern.
Let’s have an assortment with the staff!
2021年春夏「ころもづくり ころもがたり」いよいよ開催です!In the spring and summer of 2021 "koromo-zukuri koromo-gatari"2021.03.19
私たちオスティアジャパン衣では3月20日(土)より、衣の開花宣言!とも言うべき、2021年春夏「ころもづくり ころもがたり」が各店にて開催されます。
Tシャツやアロハシャツが登場! 衣主の筆により描き出されましたこちらの総柄は河童や龍、三つ目妖怪にガイコツ!?など個性あふれるオリジナル鳥妖怪たちが、色とりどりの彩りを得て、鮮やかに手捺染により表現されております!
又、主衣ブランドよりは「松竹梅を泳ぐ金魚 着物衿七分袖ワンピース」を。
さてさて、作品以外にも半年に一度の「ころもづくり ころもがたり」のもう一つお楽しみといえば、何と言ってもプレゼントノベルティです。今年は…小ぶり目のスカーフが入った「妖怪 玉手箱」。
プレゼントノベルティ「妖怪 玉手箱」は、ご案内のハガキご持参、もしくは当ページのプリントアウトをご持参で作品代金10,000円(税抜き)以上お買い求めのお客様に先着にてプレゼントさせて頂きます。
まだまだ語り足りない…ですが、この続きを語らせて頂くのが「ころもづくり ころもがたり」です。
※「妖怪 玉手箱」は期間中、作品代金のみで10,000円(税抜き)以上お買い上げの方へプレゼントさせていただきます。数量限定につき、おひとり様お一つまでとさせていただきます。また、なくなり次第終了となります。ご了承ください。
※オンラインショップでも「妖怪 玉手箱」がもらえます!詳しくは下記をご覧ください。
ー オンラインショップ ご利用のお客様へ ー
3月20日(土)深夜 0:00(19日から20日へ日付が変わる時)以降のご注文先着順にて、限定ノベルティ「妖怪 玉手箱」をプレゼントさせていただきます。お届けご希望日、また予定日が3月20日(土・祝)以降での配送の場合でも、ご注文タイミングが3月19日(金)以前の場合、プレゼントの対象外となりますため、ご注意ください。
Here in Kyoto, the declaration of cherry blossom blooming was announced the earliest in recorded history.
2021 Spring/Summer “koromo-zukuri koromo-tari” will be held at each store.
Short-sleeved T-shirts, aloha shirts and dresses that will make this spring and summer fun.
More than 10 items will arrive at once.
Some of the most notable works ・・・
This year’s all-over pattern “Watercolor bird monster” has already been shown as a mask.
T-shirts, aloha and leggings are now in stock. This pattern is drawn by the owner’s brush.
A Kappa, a dragon, and a three-eyed monster!? Original bird monsters full of individuality get 12 colors It is expressed vividly by hand printing! Must see.
“Gold Fish Swimming Shochikubai Kimono Collar 3/4 Sleeve Dress” rather than the main clothing brand.
This popular standard indigo dress is now available in a relaxed style with a kimono collar and three-quarter sleeves.
The design of the matsu, take, and ume patterns nestled in the flowing Japanese gold makes you feel cool.
We also recommend layering it with the new “Taiyamaki Skipper Tunic”.
Now in stock is a jacket and half pants set from the KRM brand.
The more you look at it, the more complicated the various woven fabrics are woven into one fabric like patchwork.
There are some parts that are a bit shallow-colored like spring and summer, and the name “Ichimatsu Camouflage Weave Denim” comes from the appearance.
The design is filled with the charm of “Japanese” which is typical of KRM who has fans overseas.
Now, aside from my work, the other thing I look forward to about the “koromo-zukuri koromo-tari” which is held every six months is After all, it’s a novelty you bought.
This year ・・・・ “Yokai Tamatebako” with a cute mini scarf.
You will be looking forward to what kind of monster will fly out after you open this Tamatebako! It’s exciting!
*If you bring a postcard or a printout of this page, you can buy more than 11,000 yen including tax.
We will give you a present on a first-come-first-served basis.
I have not said enough ・・・ but I will continue to talk about them in “koromo-zukuri koromo-tari”.
■Notes ■
*There is no plan to hold this event at the limited-time shop.
*”Yokai Tamatebako” is a present for those who spend 10,000 yen (excluding tax) or more during the period. “Yokai Tamatebako” is limited in quantity, only one per person. It will be finished as soon as it runs out. Thank you for your understanding.
*You can also get “Yokai Tamatebako” at online shops! See below for details.
□■■■■■■■■ koromo ■
– To our online shop customers:
After Wednesday, March 20 at midnight 0: 00 (when the date changes from the 19th to the 20th), we will give you a limited novelty “Yokai Tamatebako” on a first-come-first-served basis. Please note that even if the expected delivery date or scheduled delivery date is after March 20 (Sat/Holiday), if the order timing is before Friday, March 19, it will not be eligible for the present.
In the case of online shops, you register “Name and address” when you place an order, so you don’t need a claim tag, but you can only buy one ticket per person.
For multiple orders within the same period, regardless of the number of orders, we will give you a present when the total amount of your purchases exceeds ¥10,000 plus tax. Please understand in advance.
同時開催!!「備後絣 柄入れ受注」Simultaneous event!! "Bingo Kasuri Pattern Ordered"2021.03.19
「ころもづくりころもがたり」と「備後絣 柄入れ受注製作」が同時開催いたします!
●3月20日(土)~28日(日) 寺町店・名古屋店・三条店・オンラインショップにて開催!
半袖シャツ ¥15,800
ワンピース ¥25,800
*抜染柄 ¥1,000~
From Saturday, March 20
“Koromo-zukuri Koromo-gatari” and “Bingo Kasuri Pattern Made to Order” will be held at the same time!
Bingo Kasuri is one of Japan’s three major Kasuris, along with Kurume Kasuri and Iyo Kasuri.
It is a scarce fabric with a history of over 160 years, with its origins dating back to the Edo period.
Today, there are only two weavers that weave Bingo Kasuri in the Bingo area, so it is a very precious material.
So many processes are done by hand by skilled craftsmen.
It is filled with a unique texture and warmth, only attainable through traditional looms.
Each time you use it, the pattern gradually reveals itself beautifully, and as it wares, it develops more taste―like a vintage cloth.
The fabric is not synthetically produced, and it is a special fabric unique to Japan.
The more you wear this item, the more you will become attached to the texture of the item.
The “Bingo Kasuri”
We put in the order and waited for 18 months for this fabric to make the
“Short-sleeved shirt” and “Dress”.
[order acceptance period]
●From Saturday, March 20 to 28th (Sunday) at Teramachi, Nagoya, Sanjo and online shops!
*Short-sleeved Shirts 15,800 yen
*Dress 25,800 yen
And more! You can also choose a discharge print.
Put it where you like and make your own special garment.
*Discharge print from 1,000
It’s been a while since the our last “patterned made-to-order production” was held.
We have so many patterns that you’re going to have trouble choosing your favorite!
These are only some of the many patterns we have at our shop!
We invite you to make your own special garment with the precious Bingo Kasuri!
*All prices are shown without tax.
*There is a limit to the number of items we stock.
*Depending on the size of the pattern and the type of item, there are patterns and places that cannot be put in.
We appreciate your understanding in advance.
*As for the size, it may shrink depending on the fabric.
The size samples (Dimensions in online stores) that are available at the store front are:
Please check it as a reference size and understand that it may differ from the finished size.
*The delivery of the work is scheduled for about 2 weeks.
However, as each item is handmade by a craftsman, the finish may be delayed.
We apologize for any inconvenience, but we appreciate your understanding in advance.
*When we finish the work, we will put one letter of Tenkoku embroidery, “Kinu”, which is a proof of the work of Kinu.
Depending on the balance of the pattern, the craftsman will put it at the hem of either the right or left side. We appreciate your understanding in advance.
■For online shoppers ■
At the online shop, we will suggest a design recommended by our staff.
In addition, please read the precautions listed on the page in accordance with the above precautions.
2021春夏カタログ、できましたThe 2021 spring/summer catalog is ready.2021.03.18
Look Bookにはない言葉を綴ったページなど、カタログだけの楽しみもございます。ぜひご覧くださいませ。
From Saturday, March 20, we will give you a catalog at each shop, online shop, and limited-time shop of KOROMO. There are pages with words that are not found in the Look Book, and there is also fun only with catalogs.
2021年春夏「ころもづくりころもがたり」は3月20日(土・祝)より2021 Spring/Summer "koromo-zukuri koromo-gatari" March 20 (Sat/Holiday) Start2021.03.16
オスティアジャパン衣 全店では、来る3月20日(土・祝)より28日(日)まで、恒例の「ころもづくり ころもがたり」を開催いたします。
今回ご用意しているお楽しみこと、ノベルティですが「妖怪 玉手箱」。
何?? 何なに???? その全貌はまた後日に公開させていただきます。
せっかくのイベントですので、少しでも早くお耳に入れたいと思い、まずはご案内のみとはなりますが!! 年2回限り「ころもづくり ころもがたり」をお楽しみに!!
※「妖怪 玉手箱」は期間中10,000円(税抜き)以上お買い上げの方へプレゼントさせていただきます。数量限定につき、おひとり様お一つまでとさせていただきます。また、なくなり次第終了となります。ご了承ください。
※オンラインショップでも「妖怪 玉手箱」がもらえます!詳しくは下記をご覧ください。
ー オンラインショップ ご利用のお客様へ ー
3月20日(土・祝)深夜 0:00(19日から20日へ日付が変わる時)以降のご注文先着順にて、限定ノベルティ「妖怪 玉手箱」をプレゼントさせていただきます。お届けご希望日、また予定日が3月20日(土・祝)以降での配送の場合でも、ご注文タイミングが3月19日(金)以前の場合、プレゼントの対象外となりますため、ご注意ください。
Spring has come, as the temperature has risen and the sunlight has become a little round.
The cherry blossoms are blooming earlier than usual this year. It makes people feel better.
Ostia Japan KOROMO will hold the annual (Sat/Holiday) from March 20 to 28th “koromo-zukuri koromo-gatari”.
Many new items for spring and summer are displayed in the store, and this event is held at the change of the season with a limited gift novelty.
The present we are preparing this time is “Yokai Tamatebako”.
What? What???? We will release the whole picture later.
In addition, many new items will be published in the online shop one by one.
Since this is an event, I would like to let you know as soon as possible, so please guide me first!! Please look forward to “koromo-zukuri koromo-gatari” only twice a year!!
■Notes ■
*There is no plan to hold this event at the limited-time shop.
*”Yokai Tamatebako” is a present for those who spend 10,000 yen (excluding tax) or more during the period. “Yokai Tamatebako” is limited in quantity, only one per person. It will be finished as soon as it runs out. Thank you for your understanding.
*You can also get “Yokai Tamatebako” at online shops! See below for details.
□■■■■■■■■ koromo ■
– To our online shop customers:
After Wednesday, March 20 at midnight 0: 00 (when the date changes from the 19th to the 20th), we will give you a limited novelty “Yokai Tamatebako” on a first-come-first-served basis. Please note that even if the expected delivery date or scheduled delivery date is after March 20 (Sat/Holiday), if the order timing is before Friday, March 19, it will not be eligible for the present.
In the case of online shops, you register “Name and address” when you place an order, so you don’t need a claim tag, but you can only buy one ticket per person.
For multiple orders within the same period, regardless of the number of orders, we will give you a present when the total amount of your purchases exceeds ¥10,000 plus tax. Please understand in advance.
新作!!New arrivals !!2021.03.06
「作家手描き水墨画 龍ロングコート」
「グラデーションストール -蓮と金魚-」
「グラデーションストール -月下美人と蝶-」
「グラデーションストール -水仙とカワセミ-」
【New arrivals !!】
●KIMONO Artist Freehand Drawing -Dragon- Long Coat
●Hand SASHIKO Indigo Knit Blouson
●Cherry blossoms Bolero Cardigan
●Gradated Scarf – Lotus & Goldfish –
●Gradated Scarf – Night blooming cereus & Butterflies –
●Gradated Scarf – Daffodils & Kingfishers –